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  • Writer's pictureAdesola Dosumu


The data set contained the information of all the employees in the company over the 3 regions. This analysis was done to discover the level of gender equality in the company.

The total number of employees in the company was 946 with 441 females, 465 males, and 40 whose gender were undisclosed.

The total employee salary across all the three regions was $69.7 million

A comparison of the average salaries of the employees across all 3 regions showed that the male employees earned more than their female colleagues, especially in the Kaduna region.

The average salary also showed wide gaps across departments and by gender. The male employees in some departments earned more than the female employees in the same department. It was also discovered that some departments were underpaid in comparison to other departments.

In summary,

From the salary analysis, it was discovered that there is indeed a gender pay gap. Although the differences are not so high, further analysis was done to get the exact department experiencing this pay gap.

It was discovered that the ENGINEERING Department experienced the highest gender pay gap in the KADUNA region. From the entire analysis, Palmoria needs to work on maintaining a gender balance in the number of employees per department and region as there are more male employees than females.

Also meeting up with the salary requirement needs to be acted on fast. This salary increase would cause an increased productivity.

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